Macron’s France: ‘En Marche!’ to business as usual?

Welcomed as an apparent riposte to the populist revolts across the West, Emmanuel Macron’s victory was celebrated by the liberal media around the world. The French, however, seem less gripped by ‘Macron mania’: turnout at the parliamentary elections was the lowest in the history of the 5th Republic and his approval ratings have slumped even faster than those of his predecessor. How should we situate Macron’s surprising rise in French history? And should he succeed in implementing them, what might his reforms mean for the future of France and Europe? Filmed at the Battle of Ideas 2017, the speakers are Robert Tombs, Gerry Feehily, Josh Lowe, Naomi Firsht and Dr Joseph Downing. The chair is Nathalie Rothschild.

Battle of Ideas session details