Contraception: A hard pill to swallow?

The availability from the 1960s of ‘The Pill’ has been widely associated with the sexual revolution and women’s liberation. Today, some argue it is very ‘last century’ to continue to associate the Pill with women’s liberation and reproductive choice. The case is also made that the idea that contraception is ‘women’s business’ is also outdated. What do women need, when we think about the future of contraception?

Filmed at the Battle of Ideas, the speakers are: Dr Jane Dickson, vice president and consultant, Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists SRH, Dr Lesley Hall, historian; retired archivist; Wellcome Library research fellow, Ella Whelan, journalist and frequent commentator on TV and radio; author, What Women Want and Ann Furedi, chief executive officer, British Pregnancy Advisory Service. The chair is Ellie Lee, professor of family and parenting research, University of Kent, Canterbury; director, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies.