Can ‘Neuroparenting’ save the family?

‘Neuroparenting’ is on the rise and has been picked up by politicians from David Cameron to Hilary Clinton.  In her book ‘Neuroparenting: the expert invasion of family life’, sociologist Jan Macvarish argues that those who promote intensive parenting – using (and abusing) the language of neurons and synapses – risk undermining parental authority and damaging familial relationships.  Should we ditch neuroparenting and trust parents and children to get on with their lives?

Dr Jan Macvarish, associate lecturer and researcher at the Centre for Parenting Culture Studies, University of Kent, delivers a short lecture followed by responses from Sue White, professor of social work, University of Sheffield; and Tim Loughton MP (Conservative), chair of the All Party Group for Conception to Age 2.  The chair is Ellie Lee, director, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies.